Don’t settle for average when you have been called to something greater! Look at the message of Jesus coming for us foreshadowed in the Old Testament life of Elisha and how it reveals our personal potential for greater living. A series inspired by the book GREATER by Steven Furtick.
Greater Part 1 "Burn the Plows" - 11.24.13
Thad Huff shares from 1 Kings 19:19-21 the calling of Elisha and what he does to remove the temptation of turning back to the past.
Greater Part 2 "Digging Ditches" - 12.1.13
Thad Huff shares from 2 Kings 3:11-20 and inspires deeper trust in God and the faith for the miraculous.
Greater Part 3 "Upon Further Review " - 12.8.13
Jadon Haynes shares from 2 Kings 4:8-37 which teaches us what to do with road blocks in our lives.
Greater Part 4 "Open My Eyes" - 12.15.13
Thad Huff shares from 2 Kings 6:8–23; an inspirational story about those being with us being greater than those that are against us.