Luke part 10
We are walking through the gospel of Luke at Open Life. The ministry of Jesus in and around Galilee is filled with miracles, healing, casting demons out and the recruitment of his disciples. All of which contain lessons that we can apply to our everyday lives today!
This 10th segment of the gospel of Luke series will include three talks from Luke 10 & 11. Starting November 30th and concluding December 14th. Spending time with Jesus is just what we need to see the power of this Christmas season. Join us, fill out the connect card with the link to your right, let us encourage you on your journey following Jesus!
Busy Being - 11.30.14
Jadon Haynes shares from Luke 10:38-42, the first talk in this 3 part series from Luke 10 & 11. Are you a busy person? Do you know how to rest in the reality of being with Jesus? Enjoy this challenge from Jesus. Fill In/Discussion Outline
Shameless Audacity - 12.07.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 11:1-13, the second talk in this 3 part series from Luke 10 & 11. Jesus answers the request of a disciple to teach on prayer. Something that is very integral in the transforming of lives we love. Become a dreamer in your prayer life. Fill In/Discussion Outline
How Should We Pray - 12.14.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 11:1-13, the final talk in this 3 part series from Luke 10 & 11. Jesus answers the request of a disciple to teach on prayer. Something that is very integral in the transforming of lives we love. Become a dreamer in your prayer life. Fill In/Discussion Outline