The Coming Of Jesus - Luke Part 2
We are walking through the gospel of Luke at Open Life. Luke 1:39-2:52 record the life of Jesus from conception to birth.
Blessed - 2.23.14
Thad Huff shares Luke 1:39-56, which tells us how Mary hurried off to see her relative in the hill country to share in their like experience with God. The Holy Spirit shows up in a great way.
Shared Joy - 3.2.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 1:57-80, the story of the birth of John the Baptist, but so much more. Learn how to be a sharer, what your true name is and that you have a voice you should have the boldness to share.
Incarnation - 3.9.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 2:1-20, the story of the birth of Jesus, and the reason it sets the faith of Christianity apart from all others.
Jesus At The Center - 3.16.14
Jadon Haynes shares from Luke 2:21-40, find out why it's important that Jesus be at the center of all areas of your life.
Understood - 3.23.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 2:41-52, find out why people were amazed and astonished at the 12 year old Jesus boy and how his mom and dad responded to his being lost for three days and how it challenges us to obey, take time and believe.