Luke part 3
We are walking through the gospel of Luke at Open Life. Luke 1:39-2:52 accounts the years of preparation for the ministry Jesus would begin.
Prepare The Way - 3.30.14
Jadon Haynes unpacks Luke 3:1-20.
The Perfect Love Story - 4.6.14
Bruce Schmidt walks through the baptism of Jesus and the important truths of the lineage of Christ from Luke 3:21-38
Tempted - 4.13.14
Thad Huff looks at Luke 4:1-13 where Jesus is tempted in the desert. Fasting, Prayer, and how to overcome the enemy in your opportune moments of temptation. Thad referenced a website for researching fasting during his talk. That site can be found HERE,it's a link for Jentezen Franklin's fasting website. Fill In/Group Outline