Luke part 5
We are walking through the gospel of Luke at Open Life. Luke 5:27-6:16 gives us some powerful lessons from the first ministry that occurred with the disciples.
The Mission - 6.1.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 5:27-32 as Jesus shares the mission for himself and us...OTHERS. Fill In/Group Outline
New Is Better - 6.8.14
Jadon Haynes shares from Luke 5:33-39 as Jesus shares about fasting and why he was not practicing some of the same law observations as the keepers of the law in his day. For additional resources on fasting visit Jentezen Franklin's Website HERE. Fill In/Group Outline
Jesus is Lord - 6.15.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 6:1-11 as Jesus is caught twice doing things that were traditionally considered unlawful on the Sabbath. We see that love and service are greater than the rule, and we see that Jesus is more than an example, but he is Lord. Fill In/Group Outline
Called and Chosen - 6.22.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 6:12-16 as Jesus is calling the first disciples and designating some to be his apostles. We will uncover some significant insights into our calling as disciples and how God moves to single us out for even greater things in our faith. Fill In/Group Outline