Luke part 9
We are walking through the gospel of Luke at Open Life. The disciples of Jesus show us some important truths to live by as they pursued living like their leader, Jesus! Sometimes we wonder how we can be used by Jesus in every day life; this series will show you some insights for every day life.
This 9th segment of the gospel of Luke series will cover Luke 9:10 to Luke 10:24 over the course of 6 talks. It began October 5th and concludes November 9th. Don't worry, we will keep you in the loop if you are just joining us. Join us, fill out the connect card with the link to your right, let us encourage you on your journey following Jesus!
A Remote Place - 10.5.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 9:10-17, the first talk in this 6 part series within Luke. Thad looks at the tension between withdrawing with Jesus and embracing the crowd, our mission. Some very practical applications including a YouVersion follow of Thad HERE, and a 21 day Bible reading challenge. Fill In/Group Outline
God's Messiah - 10.12.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 9:18-27. Thad shares about the pinnacle of the book of Luke, where we find the confession of Jesus as the Messiah and the instructions Jesus gives to his disciples about 4 aspects of faith and repentance. Fill In/Group Outline
Glorious Splendor - 10.19.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 9:28-36. Thad shares about the Transfiguration of Jesus and the powerful illustration it holds for you and me to be the radiance of Jesus in our world today! Fill In/Group Outline
Amazed By Faith - 10.26.14
Jadon Haynes shares from Luke 9:37-45. Jadon shares about a moment where the disciples try and cast a demon out of a boy and are challenged about their faith. Fill In/Group Outline
You're Welcome - 11.2.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 9:46-56. Jesus is more interested that we are for people and not distracted on issues or being against people. This is a gut check talk that will leave you thinking. Fill In/Group Outline
Who's The Man - 11.9.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 9:57-62. Jesus raising the bar on the price of following him. What does it look like to follow Jesus with no excuses...listen and learn. Fill In/Group Outline
Blessed Eyes - 11.16.14
Thad Huff shares the final talk in part 9 of our Luke series, from Luke 10:1-24. Blessed are the eyes that see what you see, so what are you seeing? Fill In/Group Outline