The Parables of Jesus
We are walking through the gospel of Luke at Open Life. Parables are short stories from everyday life used to illustrate a spiritual truth, understood by those who have placed their faith in Jesus. We will come in and out of parables throughout the remainder of Luke.
The Sower, Seed and Soil - 8.24.14
Thad Huff shares from Luke 8:1-15, the first talk in this series from Luke. Why are stories like this in the bible and what are we to be in the world today because of them? In addition, during this talk we present the vision for our 2015 Summer Missions Trip #OLIndo15 while hearing from Missionary John Vincent. Fill In/Discussion Outline
Listening Skills - 8.31.14
Jadon Haynes shares from Luke 8:16-21 at Open Life Church, in the second talk within this series from Luke. How are your listening skills and why is it so important that you "consider them"? Fill In/Discussion Outline