90 Day Tithe Challenge
When it comes to giving, most of us want to be more generous than we currently are. But, the thought of giving our hard-earned income to the Church seems overwhelming.
But here's the thing... God promises to provide for our needs if we put Him first in our finances through returning to Him the first 10% (the tithe) of our income (Malachi 3:10). If you're the "all or nothing" kind of person and figure because you can't give God 10%, you can't give anything--we completely understand and we've been there--then just get started on giving some percentage regularly. Give 2%, 5%, or 10%...maybe even more if God has blessed you with more than enough.
Commit to a percentage for 90 days, and at the end of that time period, if you feel like God didn't hold true to His promise of blessings, we will refund 100% of everything you gave during the 90 days. No questions asked. That's how confident we are that God will honor your step of obedience with blessings.
This is not something we read int he Bible, but it does say we should test God in this one area of our life, and if it takes 90 days to develop a new pattern in our life it seems like a great amount of time to us!
Click HERE to make the commitment and begin today.
Thank you for your daring step of obedience!