Giving faq
click on a question for more information.
Why should I give online?
Giving online is simple and easy. It helps our teams not have to spend extra man hours manually entering content into our data management software. It allows you to schedule your giving so that you do not have to remember to give monthly. It also allows you to keep up on your giving if you are out of town or we have to cancel a gathering.
Is online giving secure?
Pushpay provides data security using the latest security technology. The following statement is from their security documentation: “[the system] utilizes the most current encryption technology to maintain the security of your data. Every parameter passed in the hyperlinks is fully encrypted. Additionally, the Login module handles passwords using what is known in technical terms as salted hash. In laymen’s terms, this means it would take 50 computers (running constantly) continuously presenting password combinations four years to discover the password.”
Will I still receive an annual giving statement?
Yes, we will mail your year end giving statement directly to your home, postmarked by January 31st at the latest, for your tax purposes.
Can I schedule recurring contributions?
You can schedule new contributions at any time and can modify or cancel those contributions at any time prior to the date they are scheduled. You can do this using your bank account directly ACH (this lowers the cost to the church for processing) or with your credit card.
What if I forget my password?
When you create your account, you will determine your own login id and password. If you forget your login id or password, you can have the system email it to you by entering the email address that you used when you created your account. If you need help or cannot remember the email address you used, you can contact us at info@livinglifeopen.com. You can also change your password at any time.
To login and give online now click here.