Going Public Through Water Baptism
Matthew 3:11–17
The culture Open Life is here in this scripture, one of celebration. Heaven was pumped that Jesus did “what was proper for us to do”. And we love to shout and laugh and celebrate when someone has just been obedient to the point of identifying himself or herself with Christ in water baptism. Chest bumps, hugs, high fives…
Let’s look at many passages that introduce this sacred, 2000 year old practice of water baptism and see what is and is not in scripture as far as we have been taught or observed.
1. Jesus commands baptism
Matthew 28:18–20
Make disciples (those growing in a relationship with Jesus) Baptize those disciples (in the Greek this word literally means “to go down under, to dip, to submerge.” Baptism means; “to make fully wet.”) and Teach those disciples to obey everything commanded (And Baptism was just commanded.)
John 14:15; John 15:14
2. Baptism is the public declaration and celebration of your becoming a new creation
Romans 6:3–4; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 2:12; Colossians 3:1–4; Matthew 10:32
The "old man" is symbolically dead and buried in a watery grave. Water baptism proclaims the gospel. It testifies to forgiveness and cleansing from sin. It is the same as we practice with the wedding.
We stand before our family and friends and confess our love for one another…becoming one with each other. Same with baptism…it seals the commitment we have made to follow Jesus, it is the ceremony if you will! Going public for Jesus!
3. Baptism is an act of obedience
Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 2:38–41
It is an act of obedience Jesus himself exemplified the practice of, as he was immersed in the waters of the Jordan River. And the early church practiced it upon their choosing to follow Jesus.
So according to scripture, What is water baptism?
Water baptism is an outward sign of an inward change. Just before Jesus returned to heaven, He commanded His followers to preach the gospel to all people and to baptize believers. Baptism is a sign to everyone watching that he or she has accepted Jesus as Savior and that he or she plans to obey Jesus and live to please Him.
Water is not what washes away our sin, it is the relationship with Jesus that provides our forgiveness of sin, the water baptism is a symbolic event of burying our sin and rising up out of the water resurrected from their consequences!
Naturally, even if you have yet to make a decision to follow Jesus, reading these passages might bring up some questions…let's answer some on our FAQ page.