The values below are Open Life's fingerprints, the behaviors that make us unique as we pursue our mission; people leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus. These values are evident with any expression of "us" within the community as we seek to fulfill this mission.
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We make Jesus known
The drive behind everything we do is making Jesus known. Our lives should be a gospel demonstration that demands an explanation.
How are you sharing Jesus?
How are you sharing Jesus?
We're present with our community
We do life shoulder to shoulder with those around us. We show up when opportunities arise, and live visibly active along side our community. You can't lead those you don't know, love and serve.
How are you active within the culture around you?
How are you active within the culture around you?
We're generous
Considering the needs of others above ourselves is key in experiencing a life that is truly worth living. Going above expectations in meeting the needs of others is a risk we are quick to pursue.
Are you unselfishly giving your time and resources?
Are you unselfishly giving your time and resources?
We're uncomplicated
We keep things simple so people have space to do life with those around them and remain present with their community.
Do you have margin in your life?
Do you have margin in your life?
We're genuine
We don't pretend, ignoring the realities of life. We walk through life with each other embracing both the mess and the good life brings.
Is your life free from facade?
Is your life free from facade?
We're fun
We intentionally and intuitively create a culture of fun in order to love life to the full.
Are you having fun?
Are you having fun?